Book Review:
Vasquez, Todd D. Review of Richard of Saint Victor, On the Trinity. Translation and Commentary by Ruben Angelici. Journal of Augustinian Studies 44, no. 2 (2013): 293-296. [Link to Journal]
Vasquez, Todd D. “The Art of Trinitarian Articulation: A Case Study on Richard of St. Victor’s De Trinitate.” PhD Dissertation, Loyola University Chicago, 2009.
The Levels of De Trinitate | 2 |
Survey of Literature on Method and the Organization of this Work | 9 |
CHAPTER ONE: The Influence of Augustine and Anselm | 16 |
The Heritage of Augustine | 16 |
The Guidance of Anselm | 26 |
CHAPTER TWO: The Road to Richard’s De Trinitate | 40 |
The Canons Regular | 40 |
The Religious Life of the Victorines | 46 |
The Educational Program at St. Victor | 53 |
The Road to Richard’s De Trinitate | 58 |
Discovering a Moral-Mystical Duality | 61 |
Seeing the Moral-to-Mystical Sequence | 65 |
The “Formative” Order of Richard’s Main Works | 72 |
CHAPTER THREE: The Role of Reason in Theological Contemplation | 78 |
Richard’s fides quarens intellectum a plenitudine ad plenitudinem | 78 |
Richard’s Objective: ‘Necessary Reasons’ (rationes necessariae) | 85 |
Ascending “Above & Beyond” Reason | 95 |
CHAPTER FOUR: Articulating the Trinity “Trinitarianly” | 106 |
Inventional, Ordering Devices | 108 |
Breadth: Beginning with the End in Mind | 112 |
Depth: Richard’s Trinitarian Structures in Book III | 115 |
‘Micro’-Use #1: Greatest Love at the Summit of Perfect Goodness (summa) | 119 |
‘Micro’-Use #2: Most Integral Love in the Purest Happiness (integritas) | 125 |
‘Micro’-Use #3: Fullest Love Out of the Most Abundant Glory (plenitudo) | 130 |
Perspective: Additional Trinitarian Structures and Triads | 136 |
Book VI and Discovering De Trinitate “In Relief” | 157 |
CHAPTER FIVE: Forging These “Trinitarian Dimensions” in the Faithful | 166 |
Shaping the Trinitarian Consciousness of the Individual | 167 |
Consummating Trinitarian Love in the Community | 188 |
CHAPTER SIX: Objections and Response | 201 |
Objection #1: Triads as Common to 12th Century | 201 |
Objection #2: The Meditative Practice of collatio | 203 |
Objection #3: Richard’s Penchant for “Harmonizing Opposites” | 207 |
Response to Objection #1: Triads Common to 12th Century | 207 |
Response to Objection #2: Meditative Practice of collatio | 209 |
Response to Objection #3: Harmonizing of Opposites | 210 |
CONCLUSION: Richard: Theologian and Craftsman | 215 |
APPENDIX A: Discerning the Textual Development of Richard’s De Trinitate | 220 |
APPENDIX B: Comprehensive Diagram of Richard’s De Trinitate | 234 |
APPENDIX C: List of Triads in Richard’s De Trinitate by Book | 247 |
VITA | 256 |